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Old 10-08-2011, 06:01 PM   #1
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Default issues with scripts

ive managed to get my server running the way i like it more or less but im having a few issues.

1). ioGIVE/ioTAKE by tuff: scripts works and does give/take but the user i perform command for doesnt receive or has any credits taken. i was wondering if it is something in ioftpd config that i may have over looked?

2). id like to give different ratio's for certain sections but im having difficulty as well. example:

D:/MP3/ /MP3 ratio 1:3
E:/Movies/ /MOVIES ratio 1:3
F:/REQ/ /REQ ratio 1:5 (if possible)

i do not know how to go about doing this... also, when the folders refreshes and gives you the info at the bottom (ratio/credits/space/speed/etc) it states location is DEFAULT even when i go into various different folders (not sure if this affects the credits/ratio issues im having). thanks in advance
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Old 10-12-2011, 01:53 AM   #2
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dont know about you first question, but regarding to the second, you have to read "[Sections]" part of ioFTPD.ini
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Old 10-12-2011, 01:45 PM   #3
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Ditto. I know nothing about ioGive/Take, so no help there, but I SRH99 is exactly right about pointing you to the [Sections] section of the .ini file.

If I remember correctly there are several examples in the .ini file you should take a look at first to get an idea of what you can do. I think the answer you are looking for can be handled by setting the credit and share sections appropriately.

Currently ioFTPD assumes that you'll either be just using 1 default section and the user will have a global ratio, or you'll be defining sections in the .ini (up to 25) and you can set things independently for each. Every user supports independent ratio/credits/stats for each section you define. So if you use something like:

REQUESTS = 1 0 0 /REQ/*
Default = 0 0 0 *
I'm pretty sure the above will help you do what you want. Basically it says that section #0 of each userfile should hold the credits (share section = 0) and the stats (day, week, month, total files/bytes up/down) but that the ratio to apply for uploaded files should be looked up in section #0 for everything but the REQUESTS section which should be looked up in the user's section #1 ratio. This means you'll need to update the userfiles appropriately since you probably only set section #0 correctly.

Use something like this:
site change ":0>1" ratio 5 1
What that says is match all the users who have a ratio greater than 1 in section #0 (i.e. people without leech) and then set the ratio to 5 for section #1. Now everybody who doesn't have leech will have a 1:5 ratio for REQUESTS.

That solves the problem for all existing users, but you'll need to change the default settings for newly created users as well. You do that by:
site change /Default.User ratio 5 1
and if you have multiple groups defined that have customized settings. I..e you've used 'site change /Default=SiteOps' at some point to change the settings for new users created into the SiteOps group you'll want to also change the default ratio for them as well. Well, not really necessary with the SiteOps who would have leech anyay, but you get the idea. You can tell if you have customized groups via 'site groups' if you look at the custom column to see if it says Yes. That means users CREATED into that group will use those settings instead of the Default.User ones so you may have to update them.

NOTE: If you do the common "site change bob ratio 0" to give a user leech on your server you WILL NOT be giving him leech in the REQUESTS dir. You'll have to also do "site change bob ratio 0 1" as well. I really should add a simple way to set all ratios in one command, but right now you're kind of stuck with that for the moment. I'm adding a new TODO item right now In practice this isn't a huge problem because if you setup group defaults for users who should have leech and use site gadduser you won't be changing ratios anyway.

That's it. However, since you are defining sections anyway you might as well go ahead and use something like this instead:

MP3 = 0 3 0 /MP3/*
MOVIES = 0 2 0 /MOVIES/*
REQUESTS = 1 1 0 /REQ/*
Default = 0 0 0 *
As far as the user is concerned this works the same as the above, ratio is controlled by section 0, except for the REQUESTS section, but when they enter the MP3/MOVIES dir they will show up in the appropriate section whenever a transfer/listing is done. That means nothing to them until they go and do a 'site myinfo' or you use 'site uinfo' on them. At that point you will get a breakdown of uploaded/downloaded files for EACH SECTION for the day, week, month, and total. Kind of useful to figure out which sections are popular on your server and who uploads/downloads what.

For the moment I suggest using less than 10 sections because not all scripts handle the newer 25 limit though...
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Old 10-18-2011, 09:58 PM   #4
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thanks guys for the quick reply, i definitely overlooked this part... much appreciated, and thanks again for the great work you guys do, by far the best ftpd
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Old 11-11-2011, 11:02 AM   #5
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ok, now i have another question..... i see a lot of people using nxtools and ioninja with ioftpd..... to get the best possible server running, which features from each script should i use?
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Old 11-11-2011, 12:19 PM   #6
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You can use whatever features you feel like in ioNinja, it's got a number of useful options. nxTools on the other hand is a bit trickier since I've included a number of it's features as built-in commands in ioFTPD over time. It's easy to spot which these are because under the command permission section of the .ini you'll already find entries for things like site who, open, and close. Just don't install those commands by leaving the TCL script definition out of the custom commands section and you'll be fine. After that just choose what you want from the config file. It's just a matter of preference at that point.
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Old 11-11-2011, 01:46 PM   #7
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i have noticed, but one thing concerns me. both ioninja and nxtools share some things like mkd/stor
... would a setup like the following cause an error....:?

;stor = TCL ..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl PRESTOR
;mkd = TCL ..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl PREMKD
;dele = TCL ..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl PREDELE
;mkd = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl PREMKD
;stor = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl PRESTOR
;pass = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxClose.tcl LOGIN

if an error happens, which do you recommend leaving. since you said it comes down to preference, which would you recommend (sorry, still very noob with these scripts)
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Old 11-11-2011, 02:04 PM   #8
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I see your confusion, but don't worry! You can have multiple events, and honestly half of those aren't needed. Here's what I remember off the top of my head... You need all 3 of the Ninja pre-events, and the mkd nxtools event but not the stor/login ones (stor is only if you are doing file level dupechecking across the server which I don't). Also make sure the nxtools mkd pre event comes first since that's the dupecheck...
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/req, folders, issues, ratio, scripts

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