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04-01-2002, 12:24 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 6
Uploading problem: "550, No such file"
Whenever i try to upload queue to a particular ftp server
(actually, it is the only ftp server i had a chance to upload to,
because it belongs to my friend), the first file is usually
uploaded just fine, but for most of the following i get an error
message saying:
"550 /path/to/file/xyz.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!"
though a file exists, and when i reset failed and try to retransfer,
once again, the first file in the queue uploads fine, and then once
again i get error messages.
Now, often i succeed uploading more then one file, for example
if i have 30 items queued, 1, 13, and 25 files are uploaded,
but all the rest fail.
I tried both using APPE and REST+STOR, and with "Send noops
during transfer" checked (and unchecked), but nothing helps. I
have no problem downloading (from any server), and i use the
latest version of FlashFXP.
What is wrong here? Is it a bug?
04-01-2002, 04:34 PM
FlashFXP Developer
FlashFXP Administrator ioFTPD Beta Tester
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 8,012
Which ftp server software is the ftp server using?
I have never seen this problem before, it is very unusual, I don't think it's a bug, however it may be a compatiblity issue between FlashFXP and the FTP server.
A complete copy of the status window text would be very helpfull.
04-02-2002, 08:23 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 6
Hi Bigstar.
Currently i don't know which ftp server is used (probably it is one
of the widely used small ftp servers, like Serv-U : i will have an opportunity to ask in a couple of days, though), but here is a
complete copy of the status window text, with non-relevant
info (like site's address etc.) removed and replaced by text in
capital letters enclosed by square brackets []:
WinSock 2.0
Connecting to [SERVER'S NAME]
Connected to [SERVER'S ADDRESS] Port 21
USER upload
331 User name okay, need password.
PASS (hidden)
230 User logged in, proceed.
215 UNIX Type: L8
REST 100
350 Restarting at 100 - send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
350 Restarting at 0 - send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
CWD /path to/directory/
250 Directory changed to /path to/directory
257 "/path to/directory" is current directory.
200 Type set to A.
PORT 10,48,4,36,4,14
200 PORT Command successful.
LIST -al
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
226 Transfer complete.
200 Type set to I.
PORT 10,48,4,36,4,15
STOR XYZ.part16.rar
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for XYZ.part16.rar.
Transferred: XYZ.part16.rar 15,000,000 bytes in 25:24 (9.61 KB/Sec)
226 Transfer complete.
200 Type set to I.
PORT 10,48,4,36,4,97
550 /path to/directory/XYZ.part17.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
200 PORT Command successful.
PORT 10,48,4,36,4,98
550 /path to/directory/XYZ.part19.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
200 PORT Command successful.
PORT 10,48,4,36,4,99
550 /path to/directory/XYZ.part21.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
200 PORT Command successful.
PORT 10,48,4,36,4,100
550 /path to/directory/XYZ.part22.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
200 PORT Command successful.
PORT 10,48,4,36,4,101
550 /path to/directory/XYZ.part25.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
200 PORT Command successful.
PORT 10,48,4,36,4,102
550 /path to/directory/XYZ.part27.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
200 PORT Command successful.
PORT 10,48,4,36,4,103
550 /path to/directory/XYZ.part28.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
200 PORT Command successful.
PORT 10,48,4,36,4,104
550 /path to/directory/XYZ.part29.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
Transfer queue completed
Transferred 1 file totaling 15,000,000 bytes in 25:48 (9.61 KB/Sec)
8 Files failed to transfer
200 PORT Command successful.
221 Goodbye!
Logged off: [SERVER'S NAME]
04-02-2002, 12:46 PM
FlashFXP Developer
FlashFXP Administrator ioFTPD Beta Tester
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 8,012
Which build of FlashFXP are you using?
After reviewing your log, this would appear to be an old bug that has already been resolved.
04-03-2002, 03:22 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 6
I use the latest version - 1.4.3 (build 835).
04-03-2002, 05:47 PM
FlashFXP Developer
FlashFXP Administrator ioFTPD Beta Tester
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 8,012
hmmm.. then perhaps it is a compatiblity issue with the ftp server software. did you ever find out which was being used?
It would really help if you could add the following line to your flashfxp.ini
under [main] add
this will prefix all the commands with a 1 or 2 which makes it so much easier to understand.
If you could add that and provide me with another status log it would be most helpfull.
04-04-2002, 04:17 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 6
Here is it (i didn't know what you are exactly looking for, so i
included log of the full real session, though it is rather long).
I still didn't have an opportunity to ask what ftp server is used
by the site:
WinSock 2.0
(2) Connecting to [SERVER NAME]
(2) Connected to [SERVER'S IP] Port 21
(2) USER upload
(2) 331 User name okay, need password.
(2) PASS (hidden)
(2) 230 User logged in, proceed.
(2) SYST
(2) 215 UNIX Type: L8
(2) REST 100
(2) 350 Restarting at 100 - send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
(2) REST 0
(2) 350 Restarting at 0 - send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
(2) PWD
(2) 257 "/" is current directory.
(2) TYPE A
(2) 200 Type set to A.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,105
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) LIST -al
(2) 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
(2) 226 Transfer complete.
(2) CWD path to
(2) 250 Directory changed to /path to
(2) PWD
(2) 257 "/path to" is current directory.
(2) TYPE A
(2) 200 Type set to A.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,106
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) LIST -al
(2) 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
(2) 226 Transfer complete.
(2) CWD dir
(2) 250 Directory changed to /path to/dir
(2) PWD
(2) 257 "/path to/dir" is current directory.
(2) TYPE A
(2) 200 Type set to A.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,107
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) LIST -al
(2) 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
(2) 226 Transfer complete.
(2) CWD upload
(2) 250 Directory changed to /path to/dir/upload
(2) PWD
(2) 257 "/path to/dir/upload" is current directory.
(2) TYPE A
(2) 200 Type set to A.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,108
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) LIST -al
(2) 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
(2) 226 Transfer complete.
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 Type set to I.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,109
(2) STOR Compressed with WinRar 3!
(2) 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Compressed with WinRar 3!.
(2) 226 Transfer complete.
Transferred: Compressed with WinRar 3! 0 bytes in 0.61 (1.00 KB/Sec)
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 Type set to I.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,110
(2) STOR filename.part01.rar
(2) 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for filename.part01.rar.
Transferred: filename.part01.rar 15,000,000 bytes in 25:00 (9.76 KB/Sec)
(2) TYPE I
(2) 226 Transfer complete.
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 Type set to I.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,137
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part02.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,138
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part03.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,139
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part04.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,140
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part05.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,141
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part06.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,142
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part07.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,143
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part08.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,144
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part09.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,145
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part10.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,146
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part11.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,147
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part12.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,148
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part13.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,149
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part14.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,150
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part15.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,151
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part16.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,152
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part17.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,153
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part18.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,154
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part19.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,155
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part20.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,156
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part21.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,157
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part22.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,158
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part23.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,159
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part24.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,160
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part25.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,161
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part26.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,162
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part27.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,163
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part28.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,164
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part29.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,165
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part30.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,166
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part31.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,167
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part32.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,168
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part33.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,169
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part34.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,170
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part35.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,171
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part36.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,172
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.part37.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,13,173
(2) 550 /path to/dir/upload/filename.SFV: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
Transfer queue completed
Transferred 2 files totaling 15,000,000 bytes in 26:10 (9.75 KB/Sec)
37 Files failed to transfer
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PWD
(2) 257 "/path to/dir/upload" is current directory.
(2) QUIT
(2) 221 Goodbye!
(2) Logged off: [SERVER'S NAME]
04-04-2002, 07:54 PM
FlashFXP Developer
FlashFXP Administrator ioFTPD Beta Tester
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 8,012
Ok I see what's going on, For some reason FlashFXP is getting out of sync. It's sending the next command without waiting for a reply to the previous command.
I'm not sure why this is happening.
I will look into it and get back to you.
If you could find out which ftp server this is it would be a big help.
04-04-2002, 09:09 PM
FlashFXP Developer
FlashFXP Administrator ioFTPD Beta Tester
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 8,012
Here's a thought, perhaps you should try 1.4.4 build 840. You can download it from the public beta forum.
The code in question has been entirely rewrote since 835 and perhaps this problem no longer exists.
04-05-2002, 08:51 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 6
I tried the (almost) latest version as you adviced (1.4.4 build 838), but it
seems that there is the same problem (unfortunately i still didn't
find out what ftp server is used). Here is a log of a session (trimmed):
*** Log Opened: 4/5/2002 8:28:48 AM
WinSock 2.0
(2) Connecting to [SERVER'S NAME]
(2) Connected to [SERVER'S IP] Port 21
(2) USER upload
(2) 331 User name okay, need password.
(2) PASS (hidden)
(2) 230 User logged in, proceed.
(2) SYST
(2) 215 UNIX Type: L8
(2) REST 100
(2) 350 Restarting at 100 - send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
(2) REST 0
(2) 350 Restarting at 0 - send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
(2) CWD /path to/directory/
(2) 250 Directory changed to /path to/directory
(2) PWD
(2) 257 "/path to/directory" is current directory.
(2) TYPE A
(2) 200 Type set to A.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,18,92
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) LIST -al
(2) 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
(2) 226 Transfer complete.
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 Type set to I.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,18,93
(2) STOR filename.part02.rar
(2) 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for filename.part02.rar.
Transferred: filename.part02.rar 15,000,000 bytes in 24:41 (9.88 KB/Sec)
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 Type set to I.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,18,120
(2) 550 /path to/directory/filename.part03.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,18,121
(2) 550 /path to/directory/filename.part04.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,18,122
(2) 550 /path to/directory/filename.part05.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,18,155
(2) 550 /path to/directory/filename.part36.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,18,156
(2) 550 /path to/directory/filename.part37.rar: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
(2) TYPE I
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PORT 10,48,4,36,18,157
(2) 550 /path to/directory/filename.SFV: No such file.
Transfer Failed!
Transfer queue completed
Transferred 1 file totaling 15,000,000 bytes in 25:52 (9.88 KB/Sec)
36 Files failed to transfer
(2) 200 PORT Command successful.
(2) PWD
(2) 257 "/path to/directory" is current directory.
(2) QUIT
(2) 221 Goodbye!
(2) Logged off: [SERVER'S NAME]
*** Log Closed: 4/5/2002 9:24:48 AM
04-06-2002, 02:18 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 6
Hi bigstar, once again.
At length i found out what ftp server is being
used by the site -- it is serv-u
Hope it will help solving the problem...
06-15-2002, 06:39 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 4
i can confirm this problem using flashfxp 1.4.3 build 835 uploading to a serv-u 4.0 server
just tried last beta it reconnects after every file but does not fail
06-15-2002, 07:38 PM
FlashFXP Developer
FlashFXP Administrator ioFTPD Beta Tester
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 8,012
Originally posted by MrSc
i can confirm this problem using flashfxp 1.4.3 build 835 uploading to a serv-u 4.0 server
Please try the latest public beta, at the time of writing this reply it is build 857.
Some changes have been made to resolve this issue. I am fairly sure the problem is completely resolved. Please let me know if this is not the case.
06-15-2002, 07:41 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 4
damn we must have been posting at the same time, so take my edited post as response... i dont mind the disconnect... im happy with it now
btw: great software
06-15-2002, 08:49 PM
FlashFXP Developer
FlashFXP Administrator ioFTPD Beta Tester
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 8,012
Glad it works for you. Unfortunately a disconnect seems to be the only solution to this unusual problem. I never did fully determine what was going on and I was never able to reproduce the problem on serv-u or any other types of ftp server.
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