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Old 08-31-2004, 08:43 AM   #16
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Originally posted by bigstar
No actually I did not try to upload the file. Unfortunately I didn't keep it either. Could you please upload the file to me again and I will try that.

Thank you
OK, I just sent you that file again to see if you can reproduce the problem.


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Old 08-31-2004, 09:48 AM   #17
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I had a similar problem once.
When transfering files via FTP (I was downloading), some files would always stop at the exact same point. Even retrying would not work.

The problem was my ISP.
They finally fixed something on their side and all the problematic files downloaded fine after that.

I think I remember I couldn't download those files from any server: ftp, http, etc.

They must have been playing with a packet filter of some sort.
Could be something like that...

Have you tried playing with the rollback size on resume..? Like tried setting it to 0 and >0 see if it makes any diff. on resumes...
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Old 08-31-2004, 10:07 AM   #18
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I took some time to perform several tests on two different computers.

I was not able to reproduce the problem

I have never seen anything like this and I am unable to explain why v2.1 and other ftp clients work but v3.0 doesn't. It's quite a mystery to me.

I can't think of anything else to try or to suggest.
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Old 08-31-2004, 10:14 AM   #19
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Hi Mouton,

Yeah, the type of problem you describe can be caused by MTU settings on routers, but in this case I'm confident that the network is OK at both ends, as the problem only occurs with FFXP3.

Your suggestion about the rollback warrants a test though, so I'll try that later when I get home. FFXP3 seems to be fine on my Win2k SP4 here at work!

Thanks for your input

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Old 08-31-2004, 02:09 PM   #20
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Talking Solution/workaround found

I tried a few more experiments with FFXP3 & XP SP2:

- I disabled the Windows firewall and installed Tiny Professional Firewall 6.110 in shareware mode. The problem was still present, so it wasn't the XP firewall causing the problem.

- I verified that my NIC drivers were the latest versions. They were, and were certified by MS.

- I installed the FFXP 3 beta build 1022, but the problem was still there.

- I decided to tweak lots of settings that I don't normally mess with (on the basis that if it ain't broke...). I found one that fixes the problem: reducing the Upload Packet Size (in advanced options) to 2048 made the problem vanish. I then tested it again at 3072 and the uploads worked fine also. Resetting it to the default 4096 broke the upload of the problem files I had identified.

- Weirder still : I then tried setting it to 5120, on the assumption that it was some type of MTU problem and that this would make the problem worse, but no, the uploads worked fine also!

- So the problem is only apparent at the default upload packet size of 4096 bytes! And then it only happens on maybe 1 in 5 MP3 files. I haven't experienced the problem with any other file types, though I do tend to transfer more MP3s than anything else.

Just for badness, I even tried uploading problem files with the packet size set to the obscenely large 16384 setting, and it worked also!

Finally I reverted back to build 1015, and checked that its behaviour was the same as 1022 - it is.

So if anyone else is having weird time-out type problems with uploads from FFXP3 on XP SP2, then try tweaking the upload packet size and see if that helps. I've left mine set to 5012 and so far have experienced no problems.

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Old 08-31-2004, 02:29 PM   #21
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If you got some time on your hand, a packet capture (using Ethereal or similar) would probably help to find the cause of this.

Thanks for your time!
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Old 08-31-2004, 03:34 PM   #22
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Originally posted by Mouton
If you got some time on your hand, a packet capture (using Ethereal or similar) would probably help to find the cause of this.

Thanks for your time!
I'm getting ready to move house next weekend, so now is not a good time for me to begin messing about with packet loggers. But I know how to switch the problem on and off now, so maybe in a week or so I can have a better look!

Thanks to all,

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Old 08-31-2004, 04:05 PM   #23
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I'm glad you solved your problem..

However I am rather surprised that changing the Upload Packet Size solved the problem.

The Upload Packet Size changes the size of the internal memory buffer used when performing a Winsock.Send().. The amount of data that is sent per Winsock.Send()

If the Upload Packet Size is larger than 8kb then the send buffer size is increased using setsockopt (SO_SNDBUF)

I will continue to look into this matter.
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Old 09-06-2004, 10:48 PM   #24
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Default Same Problem

Sounds like the same problem I was having... And still am having ... I keep it at 1024 now and it works on most files but no matter what the packet size is, there will be an error on some files... I just change the packetsize and upload all the failed files...
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Old 09-11-2004, 09:46 PM   #25
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Originally posted by bigstar
I took some time to perform several tests on two different computers.

I was not able to reproduce the problem

I have never seen anything like this and I am unable to explain why v2.1 and other ftp clients work but v3.0 doesn't. It's quite a mystery to me.

I can't think of anything else to try or to suggest.
V2.1 is quiet different from V3.0.
V3.0 uses asynchronous function with non-blocking socket(I believe) and V2.1 used synchronous with blocking socket.
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Old 09-11-2004, 09:47 PM   #26
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By the way,what BunnySoft FTPd V0.93c is? I have never seen this ftpd or even heard it?
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Old 09-13-2004, 09:47 AM   #27
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Originally posted by WinEggDrop
By the way,what BunnySoft FTPd V0.93c is? I have never seen this ftpd or even heard it?
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